Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Haman Hung on His Own Gallows

     Esther 7:9-10 "Then Harbona, one of the eunuchs in attendance on the king, said, 'Moreover, the gallows that Haman has prepared for Mordecai, whose word saved the king, is standing at Haman's house, fifty cubits high.'  So they hanged Haman on the gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai.  Then the wrath of the king was abated."
     Those familiar with the Old Testament book of Esther will know that God is not directly mentioned in the book.  Yet the book's ironic events imply God's sovereign activity.  Those actions are clear examples of the truth the Apostle Paul had in mind when he wrote in I Corinthians 1:25 "The weakness of God is stronger than men." 
     As Jon Bloom wrote in an article found on, "Woven through Scripture and church history is a consistent and counterintuitive pattern: God cedes the positions of greatest worldly power and influence and wealth to His enemies--those who 'take their stand....against the Lord and against His Anointed' (Psalm 2:2 NASB)--and then, through the most improbable, unexpected means, overthrows His enemies and redeems His people.  He lets Haman build the gallows, and then hangs him on it."
     Craig Keener has summarized well the ironic actions found in Esther.

      Vashti's misfortune underlines Esther's favor. Queen Vashti loses her crown by refusing to come before King Ahasuerus (NIV, Xerxes) despite his order (1:12,19).  Esther comes before the king despite this action being prohibited, and receives royal favor (5:2).  Vashti loses her position in the context of the king's banquet (1:3,12); Esther is crowned at a banquet (2:17-18) and receives extravagant favor at two more banquets (5:6; 7:2).
     The wicked Haman brings about his own destruction (Prov. 1:8). Haman plots against the Jews, unaware that the queen is Jewish.  Indeed, as queen of Persia, Esther is still obeying her Jewish relative, Mordecai, who raised her (2:20).  What Haman seeks for his own honor instead honors Mordecai (6:6-10); what Haman plots as Mordecai's public execution becomes his own (7:10; 8:7); what Haman plots against the Jews comes on their enemies (9:1-5).  Esther ends up with Haman's property (8:7); Mordecai ends up with Haman's position as vizier to the king (8:2,7,15; 9:4).

     Recently we received news from brethren who are living and ministering in Darfur, and the events relayed in their report made me think of Esther and Haman.  Some background in required.  Omar Bashir, the recently deposed president of Sudan, conspired in 2003 with various parties to start a war in Darfur.  He recruited extremists from surrounding countries for the militia he created for his personal war.  That fighting came to be labeled a genocide by the international community; the first of the 21st century.  It resulted in over 300,000 deaths and the displacement of over 2 million of Darfur's citizens.  He had personal wealth and power in mind.  Bashir now sits in prison, and the new government is dismantling his personal empire.
     Since 2003, many of those hundreds of thousands of Darfurians who fled to other countries have received Jesus as Lord.  While in those countries, a large number of them seized the opportunity to attend a Bible school, and some even qualified for a seminary education.  They also began to partner with Christian organizations which supplied them with leadership development, scriptural resources, and financial assistance, which in turn enabled them to reach many other Sudanese who are also refugees.  Being forced into exile ended up affording them opportunities which would have been denied them had they never left Darfur. 
     Some have already returned to Darfur and have used their training and the resources given them to do widespread sowing of the Gospel.  Only God knows how many residents of Darfur have received Christ since their return, but the opinion of those on the ground is that the number is large.  The actions of Bashir and his minions have created a hunger in the hearts of many and when they hear the Gospel of Jesus, they realize it is the message for which they have been longing.
     Recently, our friends in Darfur told us that a group of local religious leaders (Imams) had incited their maternal uncles to meet with them and warn them to walk away from the Gospel and return to their traditional religion.  They reported that the meeting started out hostile, but ended up well after those men heard their testimonies.
     After those Imams returned home, they soon discovered that many of their own family members had already received Jesus as Lord because those very people went to them and boldly told them of their new found faith and of their commitment to stand firm, no matter the cost.
     So as our friends put it "the plans of those men have backfired on them.  Their opposition to us has created fires within their own homes."  
     Those who rely on violence and deceit to achieve their desired ends will sooner or later hang on the gallows of their own creation.  Human history is "His Story," and the Lord's purposes will stand.



Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Romans 8:28 and the Covid-19 Pandemic

Romans 8:28 is an oft memorized verse of holy Scripture because of the precious promise it contains for God's people.  It also reminds believers that our Lord is sovereign over human history, which is an extremely encouraging thought in the kind of hard times now facing many people around the world due to the Covid-19 pandemic. 

The chief purpose of our Lord for His adopted children is mentioned in verse 29, and it is "that we might be conformed to the image of His Son..." This means when our heavenly Father does allow hard times into our lives, their intent is not merely to depress, physically harm, or disillusion us.  Rather such things are meant to shape us more into Christ-likeness.  There is a ministry called "The Chisel Guys" and they have posted on You Tube a short skit which deals with this issue of God using all sorts of events to chisel away from us all that prevents us from growing more like Christ.  Here is the link:

Without a doubt, the current pandemic has brought a lot of struggles to many people, both in the USA and in the world at large.  In Africa, more people may die from the effects of pandemic related shut downs than will ever die from the virus.  However, one form of the proverbial "silver lining" which attends this pandemic has been made known to us by fellow Christ followers who live in Sudan. 

They live in an area of the country where over the last 11 months, thousands of locals have heard the Gospel for the first time, and many have responded to the its message of salvation by grace.  Since the season of Ramadan and the pandemic travel restrictions overlapped this year, it has been reported that many of the new believers were more bold in sharing their new found faith with their families.  The restrictions kept them at home, so they realized they needed to seize the moment to explain to their families why they would not be observing the annual fast. 

As a result of their increased boldness in sharing the Gospel with their loved ones and friends, it is believed that people may have entered the Kingdom during this past Ramadan season.  That is certainly a "silver lining," and serves as a reminder to God's people that He is at work for good in all things.  His people just need to listen for His voice each day; and see how He can use even tough circumstances for Kingdom purposes.

May the example of brethren living in an environment of persecution embolden us who live in the West.  May we rise above dwelling only on what this pandemic has caused us to lose, and instead begin to pray about what God is saying to us personally.  Perhaps His intent is to "chisel" on us individually, and on our local church bodies. 
