Sunday, April 9, 2017

Jay Mundy and Mission Aviation

The picture is of David with Jay Mundy standing in front of  one of the flight simulators Jay uses for instructing/certifying pilots with Dynamic Aviation.

As Renee and I traveled to Harrisonburg, VA on Friday April 7, we received a most pleasant surprise.  Susan Mundy called to say that she and Jay lived in Harrisonburg and wanted to visit us while we were there.

Wow, my first trail related visit and I haven't even started walking yet!

Renee and I moved to Entebbe in November of 2009, after agreeing to take on a leadership position which would see us responsible for supervising personnel in 4 countries, and working with the national convention in one other (Burundi).  Little did we know at the time how important a role mission aviation was going to play in our lives and ministry.

The Mundys moved into a rental house just a stone's throw from ours in 2010 and stayed there until AIM moved their operation to Arua.  Before they moved, we attended the same house church, shared a lot of meals, swapped a lot of stories, prayed with and for each other, and flew several times into South Sudan with Jay.  In short, Susan, Renee, Jay and I became good friends.

Like every pilot I personally flew with, Jay had served as a pilot for many years before sensing a call to serve by flying personnel around the African Continent.  Jay was different than most in that he had already put in a career with the US Air Force.

When the current conflict began in South Sudan, Jay's role became even more strategic for our teams living and serving on the ground there.  Our teams were able to stay in place, first of all by the grace of God, but secondly because we knew our fearless AIM Air pilot friend, Jay Mundy, was on standby should things go sideways.  He and I talked often during those days, and the only thing he asked of our teams was that they call him before the bullets started flying.  At times the S. Sudanese government put out a temporary ban on all air travel.  When I heard of the first ban, I called Jay and asked if that would prevent him from going to rescue our guys should they holler for help.  His answer let me know that our guys could rest in the knowledge Jay would do whatever it took, as long as they always bore in mind that he also had a wife and children.

Jay now has a job with Dynamic Aviation of Bridgewater, VA.  The company is one he is very proud to be affiliated with.  He now does a lot of training in addition to flying; his second love after Susan and his kids.  Renee and I are were so pleased to hear how our Lord has guided their steps since they left the field.

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