Monday, June 12, 2017

Home Base

    Nephew's mom is my sister-in-law, Kim Austell Crane. She has gone to great lengths to educate herself about the AT and how to read the AT guidebook produced by AWOL; a former thru hiker who during his trek recognized there existed a great need for a detailed map giving all sorts of info. She has also spent many hours watching the You Tube videos of hikers who were in front of us so she could better understand the type of conditions that awaited us. In some cases she has followed the Face Book posts of hikers who have the habit of giving good reports about not only the AT but also where they stayed off the trail, i.e. at a cheap hotel or B&B.
     All this research has enabled Kim to become the local expert on the AT and everyone's "go-to" person for reports and answers.
     On many an occasion, Nephew has turned to mom first, via text messages, for weather reports and for guidance when it became obvious we needed to get off the trail because we were too wet or badly needed something.    
     At some point, Stephen announced he believed Kim had earned a trail name, so Nephew dubbed her "Home Base." The name has stuck and since I have returned home I have called her that or HB.
     The loving support of parents, spouses and other loved ones when undertaking an excursion which takes you far from home is so important and meaningful. In this case, we have had it from everyone. My mom and Renee have bought maps of the AT and placed marks at all the points where we stayed the night. Their enthusiasm and interest has added something special.
   When we lived in Africa, I always referred to my mom, Mary Etta, as one of the most important members of our team as she faithfully took care of any business related matters of ours. She sent us all magazines and mail we needed and in short enabled us to focus on our mission.
     So it is special to see HB keeping up the tradition of strong, significant parental support for a child's unusually stressful and potentially dangerous venture.
     How about your life? Are you perhaps holding a child or grandchild back from pursuing a dream or sense of calling because it will take them far away or could be fraught with danger? 
    Today I am thanking God for the supportive wife and family I have had. Keep it up HB! And know I will also be leaning on you for logistical support when headed south.


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