Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Night of a Million Miracles

     Some time ago I did a write up for our personal newsletter about the Open Doors project done back in the mid-1980s called "Project Pearl."  
   I think it is worth repeating some of it for our blog as it certainly relates to the goal of Hiking to Help Refugees.

     Brother Andrew started the ministry which is called Open Doors. He has been a great friend of the persecuted church world wide for more than 4 decades. The little book he wrote in the 1970s "God's Smuggler" had a very big impact on my life. After reading it I signed up for their monthly newsletter and read every issue.
    In the early 1980s, a call went out from Bro Andrew for help in raising money so they could respond to a request from the leaders of China's underground church for one million Bibles. I gave a lot of time to the cause via speaking in churches and to anyone that would listen. I was even given the chance to speak in chapel at Columbia Bible College and challenge students to give.
     Well, many years passed and while I knew the smuggling of the one million Bibles had taken         
place, I never spoke to anyone who could speak to the impact that infusion of Bibles had on the growing underground church. That is until 1998 when Bill Smith and his wife came to Kenya to lead a 2 week training for church planters. Since he had spent decades in Singapore, I thought he might have a report. We ate lunch together one day and he related to me how Project Pearl's success had made a massive difference in kingdom expansion.
     In 2010, Nik Ripkin and his wife ate dinner with us. They brought a guest who was an employee of Open Doors. When I asked her questions about Project Pearl, she asked me "have you never read the book? " What book?" I replied. So she sent me overnight a copy of Night of a Million Miracles, a first hand account of all that was involved in carrying out that project. I read the entire book the day I received it and cried several times. 
     You can watch a video on You Tube about it.  Just use the search bar and type in the book title.
     How does this relate to our current venture? Well, I believe if we can get as many copies of God's Word into the hands of S Sudanese pastors, evangelists and church planters as we can, we can play a role in the life of the S Sudanese church as Project Pearl did for China. Our brethren are now living in refugee camps in close proximity to hundreds of thousands of their countrymen.  
  They have access to most of the tribes of their country. So the time is ripe for them to win many souls for Christ and to teach those new disciples the Word.  The Gospel of Jesus alone can lay a foundation for this country once peace is restored and the attempt is made once again to put the world's newest country on a different path.
    So please pray and give to Hiking to Help, whether through giving online or by sending a check directly to Calvary Road Ministry.


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