Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Romans 8:28 and the Covid-19 Pandemic

Romans 8:28 is an oft memorized verse of holy Scripture because of the precious promise it contains for God's people.  It also reminds believers that our Lord is sovereign over human history, which is an extremely encouraging thought in the kind of hard times now facing many people around the world due to the Covid-19 pandemic. 

The chief purpose of our Lord for His adopted children is mentioned in verse 29, and it is "that we might be conformed to the image of His Son..." This means when our heavenly Father does allow hard times into our lives, their intent is not merely to depress, physically harm, or disillusion us.  Rather such things are meant to shape us more into Christ-likeness.  There is a ministry called "The Chisel Guys" and they have posted on You Tube a short skit which deals with this issue of God using all sorts of events to chisel away from us all that prevents us from growing more like Christ.  Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QCkBL2DfVg

Without a doubt, the current pandemic has brought a lot of struggles to many people, both in the USA and in the world at large.  In Africa, more people may die from the effects of pandemic related shut downs than will ever die from the virus.  However, one form of the proverbial "silver lining" which attends this pandemic has been made known to us by fellow Christ followers who live in Sudan. 

They live in an area of the country where over the last 11 months, thousands of locals have heard the Gospel for the first time, and many have responded to the its message of salvation by grace.  Since the season of Ramadan and the pandemic travel restrictions overlapped this year, it has been reported that many of the new believers were more bold in sharing their new found faith with their families.  The restrictions kept them at home, so they realized they needed to seize the moment to explain to their families why they would not be observing the annual fast. 

As a result of their increased boldness in sharing the Gospel with their loved ones and friends, it is believed that people may have entered the Kingdom during this past Ramadan season.  That is certainly a "silver lining," and serves as a reminder to God's people that He is at work for good in all things.  His people just need to listen for His voice each day; and see how He can use even tough circumstances for Kingdom purposes.

May the example of brethren living in an environment of persecution embolden us who live in the West.  May we rise above dwelling only on what this pandemic has caused us to lose, and instead begin to pray about what God is saying to us personally.  Perhaps His intent is to "chisel" on us individually, and on our local church bodies. 


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