Wednesday, November 11, 2020

The Gospel Cannot Be Quarantined

 The Gospel Cannot Be Quarantined

       Revelation 3:7-8 read "There are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David.  What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open.  I know your deeds.  See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut..."

         By now we are all too familiar with the myriad of changes brought into our lives here in the USA, and around the world, due to government imposed restrictions meant to prevent, or at least slow down, the spread of the Covid-19 Virus.  The impact or effects of these restrictions have differed according to one's age, geographic location and type of work.  However, no matter who you are, your world has changed since last March.

     Local churches certainly have been impacted.  Many are still only offering a "corporate" worship service online; making use of means such as Face Book Live or YouTube.  Others are opening their doors, but limiting the number of those in attendance, requiring social distancing and the wearing of masks.  Some large, well known churches have chosen not to gather for worship as in the past until 2021.  Some continue to gather as always, and have initiated lawsuits against their state governments because they strongly believe the state has overstepped authority granted to them by the US Bill of Rights.

     Closed borders, combined with very strict pandemic restrictions, have forced many long term missionaries to leave the country where they normally live.  They are either now back in their home country or in another country where conditions are less harsh and restrictive.  Others have stayed put but been forced to stay very close to home.

     As serious followers of Jesus walk through this particular "valley of shadows," it is extremely comforting to read again the promise of our Lord Jesus that "what he opens, no man can shut."  This means even during this trying period, we can trust that He continues to work through His disciples who have "ears to hear what the Spirit says to the churches."  

     I have been impressed while watching young believers in my area rise to the occasion by starting Bible studies in their homes.  Others have become foster parents.  Some have seized on the opportunity to mentor and disciple teenagers who have more time on their hands due to the cancellation of sports, and schools opting to provide education by remote learning.  Their actions speak volumes about their commitment to obey, conquer, patiently endure, and cling to the promises Jesus makes to those who overcome.

     CRM partners with Sudanese believers who have returned home, specifically Darfur, from refugee camps in Uganda.  The Corona Virus restrictions of their country have just piled one more obstacle on top of an already existing plethora of them, i.e. resistance from religious leaders, violence caused  by militias, persecution of new believers, etc.  However, despite such conditions, they continue to report that Mus**ms are receiving Jesus as Lord and Savior in unprecedented numbers.  Their reports have been a constant source of joy to us and helped enable us to remain extremely upbeat.

     Thanks be to our sovereign God who is greater than any pandemic, and able to open doors for His children who have ears to hear and are committed to conquer until He returns, or calls them home. 

 David Crane

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