Monday, May 22, 2017

Erosion and Hiking Trails

Before we ever started hiking on the AT, I did a lot of hiking to prepare myself in the Crowders Mtn State Park located near my home. I noted during those weeks that a lot of unnecessary erosion is taking place in that park because people choose to create short cuts rather than staying on the designated path. Thus when we took to the AT I was interested to see if that trend would continue.

Sadly in many places it has. This is especially true about the AT where it is more accessible to the general public, like where it crosses roads or is near a town. 

Now erosion is not a good word. It is like the word "ominous." Whatever follows is not going to be good. Erosion implies that something is being degraded. And when erosion is unchecked, it can lead to serious long term damage.

So why do people not stay on the clearly defined path? Perhaps they feel entitled to do what is easier and better for them, no matter the resulting effects on the environment. Perhaps it is merely due to ignorance and they need to be educated.  
I have been speaking up to this point about soil erosion, but the term can be applied to character, values, the quality of work done by employees, etc.

South Sudan returned to war in Dec. '13 because erosion occurred in the thinking and values of the main leaders of the country. Once they got their independence from the Khartoum government, they allowed themselves to think that their positions of power were to be exploited for personal gain and power. This has led to the erosion of the quality of life for millions of their fellow countrymen.  The country is now in a total mess.

Erosion. Recognize that it can happen in all our lives if and when we choose to leave the clear path for living laid down for us in the Bible and through the example of Jesus. Don't allow yourself to be tempted to think you can take shortcuts without doing harm to yourself and your loved ones. 


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