Monday, May 15, 2017

I know that many of us can associate ourselves with David's Blog today. The never ending stack of paper on our desk, our kids unbelievable load of homework. Maybe it is housework that grows everyday, whatever it might be, we can all put ourselves in David's blog about the switchbacks.
Just a short break would be nice in our fast paced lives.  The question must be asked,"Would we actually stop long enough to enjoy the break, or just increase our multi-tasking to fill the void?"

The guy who owns the farm where we pitched tents last night drive us into Vernon and a laundry mat so I am typing this as we wait.
   Had hoped Renee might meet us in Pomona NY but she is not feeling well so will have to plan another time.
Blog: Power of Switchbacks    

Some of the steepest climbs we do are found when one treks out if a town or where the AT crosses a road where a parking lot is present.

Steep climbs can take one of two forms.  They can be straight up or they can be broken up and made easier by switchbacks.

A switchback is where the path ascends at angles so that the angle of the ascent is not as severe. I can remember the first time I drove between Boone and a nearby town. I was told in Boone before departing "go slow son because the switchbacks are so severe that at times you can see your own license plate." 

A switchback gives the weary traveler hope as he/she ascends. Hey, that bend up ahead just might be the last one!  So you set your mind to make it to that next bend. When you get there and see it is not, you at least know there will be some level ground before you start climbing again. At that point you set your sights on the next bend and hope it results in the summit.

The spiritual lesson involved relates to what Jesus taught about worrying over the future. He said in Matthew 6, " seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these other things will be added unto you. Do not be anxious about tomorrow for sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof." 

Each day is like a switchback. None of us can know what tomorrow will bring. But what we can do every moment of each day is trust that the Lord who cares for the birds of the air and clothes the flowers of the field in beauty fit for a king, will provide the strength and resources required for our ascent to heaven. 

So no matter what you are facing today, remember that you never do well to feel the weight of the whole trail. Trust God for what He can do in and through you today. Leave what is unseen around the bend in His loving and almighty hands.

The first part of David's message to me tonight included the info about Renee, his wife not being able to come and meet him at one of his rest stops. I usually don't include all of his message to me, because it often involves instructions he has for me. I did however include all of today's message, her being unable to meet him, is sort of, another switchback, isn't it?


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