Wednesday, May 24, 2017

So, Uncle, How Do You Feel About Rattle Snakes?

So, Uncle, How Do You Feel About Rattle Snakes?

So today, May 22, we entered Connecticut. Before crossing from NY into CT, we stayed at a shelter with two men from AL who are section hiking. They are headed south, so they were able to give us news about the trail north; our direction.
     They mentioned that a 9 mile section of the AT that had been closed due to a local forest fire had been opened back up. However they suggested we check with locals before venturing through because they had also heard that the ATC was still suggesting avoiding the area due to rattle snakes. Apparently the fire ran them out of their dens.
     So not long after entering CT we hit a paved road and walked to Bull's Bridge Country Store for resupply of food. 
    While we were outside the store eating and packing food into out back packs, Adam talked to a local guy who in turn had talked to one of the forest fire fighters, and he recounted that the fellow said they had seen many rattle snakes while fighting the fire. 
    Now folks this is CT, not Texas or Alabama! Who would have imagined posed with the option of skipping over an area because of Rattlers?         

    So after Adam talked to the fellow he asked me the question that is the title of this blog; "how do you feel about rattle snakes?" My answer? "You avoid them when possible"!!
    Thankfully the same local man gave us a ride to the point where we would need to get back on the AT. Skipping the section does not count against us in terms of our thru hike as the ATC wisely, at this time, gave hikers the option. Said option may last only a short time as conditions change.
     I for one already have enough snake stories from my time in E Africa. They involve instances like killing over 20 Black Mambas in the yard of our house at Emali. We also killed 2 massive Puff Adders in the same yard, and I have their skins tacked to a board in my garage. Other stories involve spitting cobras coming out of abandoned termite  mounds spitting and ready to fight. Thank God I was always in the company of Maasai brothers when such things happened!
   So when I answered Adam today, such scenes came to mind. Yep, let's avoid the Rattlers. Some stories are best left to authors and movie directors.


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