Tuesday, May 23, 2017

 Ultra Runners and the AT

The other day when we were in NY and working our way through rock obstacles, I was standing in front of a rock about 4 feet off the ground and trying to figure how to step up on it and begin working my way along the ledge it began, when I heard someone running full speed up behind me. So I stepped aside and then like a flash, a young ultra-runner leaped up on the rock and bounded his way from one rock to another until he disappeared.

As I watched him perform that feat, it reminded me of scenes from movies starring Jackie Chan. If you have ever watched Jackie in action you know what I mean. One minute he is standing on the ground and the next he is on the third floor after leaping from one almost imperceptible foothold to another.

Ultra-runners can do the same sort of thing after they build up the required momentum, thus they like to run on trails like the AT where there are so many rock formations.  But as you watch them you realize that one wrong move could easily result in a serious injury.

I was only recently introduced to this sport when friends sent me word of Karl Meltzer who in 2016 ran the AT in 45 days. He was sponsored in the venture by Red Bull and a large team assisted him along the way. They provided  him with all the food, drink and even sleeping quarters in his attempt to set the new record.

Later, I learned that a young lady named Heather set the record for an unassisted thru hike of the AT, and it took her only 9 days longer. This means she carried everything she used on the AT, and even did her own cooking. 

So that tells us that even ultra-runners who are heavily supported cannot do a whole lot better. That speaks to the fact that many sections of the AT simply require one to walk, climb or at times even crawl.

Our goal is to finish in a little over 5 months. Sheez, compared to those record setters we are like turtles. And we are tired at the end of every day!  The human body is an amazing thing, and points to the awesomeness of our Creator God.


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